What a whirlwind!

Since writing last we at ThermaVet have been swept up in a whirlwind of support from professionals and customers alike.
It started at the Your Horse Total Confidence Live which was a huge success for us! We sold to happy hackers, eventers, show jumpers, dressage riders, hunters, charities, colleges, therapists, dog breeders, the varied list goes on! All understood that the ThermaVet was a complimentary tool designed to help monitor animals so that the owners can recognise what is ‘normal’ and therefore call on the appropriate professional. This was the message that we had hoped to get across and thankfully we believe we have succeeded.
We have been inundated with requests for sponsorship and are very carefully selecting individuals/business’ that we feel will represent our company who also demonstrate the same traditional values, professionalism and a good reputation as we strive to achieve.
We will be announcing who we will be sponsoring very soon.
Plus more exciting news! We have just had notification that the ThermaVet attachments that fit onto all other Android and iOS Smartphones (including the iPad) will be available soon! Don’t forget to go to the ThermaVet contact us or Forum to let them know you want notifying when they are available!

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